How much sleep do I need?
How many Australians do not get enough sleep?
Inadequate sleep, of either duration or quality, and its daytime consequences are quite common in Australian adults, affecting up to 45% of adults. Normal sleep cycles Normal sleep is made up of sleep cycles, which usually repeat every 90 to 110 minutes.
Important Note
Good sleep is essential to good health. If you are worried, see your GP about having an overnight sleep study, either in a hospital or at home. Medicare will fund this if certain criteria are met. Follow this up with a visit to the sleep specialist who wrote your report to get your results and treatment options. Telehealth sleep specialists are available throughout Australia if preferred.
Another option is to see a sleep specialist or a sleep psychologist. They are available in every major city in Australia, and they also visit many smaller centres. Telehealth appointments are also available. They will offer treatment options for any sleep problems that they identify, in consultation with you. Call us for help finding one near you.